Youth Rider’s Page

This page is dedicated to our youth riders since they are truly the heart and soul of the organization. They are our future!

At this time there is a "Youth Riders' Fund" which provides for the ride fees for any youth rider up to the age of 17 on any of our rides.

This fund was created by dedicated members of the MTRA and has grown extensively through the generosity of the membership. At each ride members of the organization sell "glow sticks" to attach to the horses' halters so that they can be found at night on the picket line. On the 2nd June Ride (which is primarily families with youth riders) there is an auction of the kids who are available to wash horses, clean up trailers, and/or generally do jobs which need to be done in trail camp. All funds from this activity help sustain the Youth Riders' Fund. And the list goes on!!!


We hold a Family Ride in August every year, but kids are always welcome to ride. Bring you kids and join in the fun!

Check out the August activities below!

Our second June ride is a more challenging ride, but also has some great activities.


Scavenger hunts

Rent a kid

Ice cream stops

Kayaking, tubing or canoeing

Meeting new friends

Riding & more